Today with my mom, we cooked “LE CIALDE”.This is a typical cake of Marsciano (my town) for the Carnival. They are not very difficult to do but you’ll need two basic things: the electric iron to make holy wafers, and lots of patience!
Ingredients for 50 waffles:
500 g of flour 00
250 gr. of sugar
500 ml. Dry white wine
250 ml. Of Vin Santo (sweet)
a tablespoon of Anise seeds
Mix well all the ingredients to obtain a quite liquid mixture. Heat very well the iron, and put a tablespoon of dough. Close iron and cook for about 1 minute, remove the wafer and when it is still warm, roll it. If placed in a metal box, wafers will keep crispy for several days. Serve with whipped cream: and be careful because you can eat a ton of it!
mi piace, mi piace, mi piace. Le posso fare col ferro delle “ferratelle” abruzzesi?
sai che come tradizione una scatola di cialde va assolutamente portata alla Romita!!!!!!!!!!baci all’Emiliana
già sono state mangiate alla Romita,ma tu domenica passata non c’eri….. però te le rimando!
prova…. e poi fammi sapere!! sennò vengo io con il ferro originale!