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21 May 2011 // flaviabi // 3 Comments » Leave a comment

salvia fritta

To prepare this dish you need the “giant sage”, so you can fry the leaves one by one
Ingredients (4 people):
12 giant sage leaves
4 tablespoons of flour
2 glasses of beer
Corn oil for frying

In a bowl, work the flour with the beer that has to be be very very cold (just out of the freezer). Let the batter rest 15 minutes. Take the leaves of sage, washed and dried and put them into the batter, and fry them in hot oil. When they become slightly brown, are cooked. Add a pinch of salt before serving.



  1. cinefobie says:

    Con il tuo blog mi stai facendo venire una voglia di assaggiare ogni ricetta che proponi!!

    Questa poi non l’avevo mai sentita.. :)

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